Thursday, June 21, 2012

Where have they been all my life?

It's hard to explain why I haven't been following Cheap RV Living forever. Cheap RV Living - it's my mantra. These are my people.

They got my attention today with their opening article on living without health insurance. As of 2010, one in six of us is uninsured. One in five has trouble buying healthcare, and one in five puts off treatment.

The Cheap RV folks' rationale and attitude toward healthcare rings true for me. Take a look and see if it might for you, too. And, watch for upcoming articles in the series. It's a hot topic.If you're feeling argumentative about it, take it to, then come back and have a cup of tea with us.

We're unsettled of mind today because we may need to head back to Florida, but we don't know when. Or if. Or when. Or if, for that matter.

Here's a picture I stole from the Internet. Be kind to each other.
from Freekibble


Vicki said...

Love the kitty photo!!!
My condolences for the Florida trip....way to humid this time of year.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Isn't it sweet?

I know it. I hope it doesn't need to happen, but it's looking that way.

Spotted Dog Ranch: said...

Thanks for the link, good article. I haven't had health insurance for about 15 years, since I had my last real job. The key is to eat right and exercise and stay healthy. I've had a few times when I needed the doc, but it's way cheaper when you pay cash. And I've come to realize that the medical folks are more and more into pushing drugs to cure you. Since I'm sensitive to most drugs and they make me sick, I just try to heal on my own. I recently read somewhere that the body heals better and faster when it's not all drugged up anyway.

Brenda A. said...

Love the kittys! Hope that whatever it is that is calling you back to Florida is resolved quickly and favorably.

Neither of us have had health insurance for awhile now nor will we in the foreseeable future. So we're big into both prevention and tips for finding affordable treatment when truly needed.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Chinle, I agree. I've grown to believe that conventional Western medicine can be a scary (and not very healing) process. I haven't always felt that way, but I look for almost any other option.

Thanks, Brenda. We hope so, too. Actually, the best scenario is that we don't have to go at all. My stepfather is doing badly, and if he recovers some decent amount of health we won't go.

This is why I feel like a good diet is so important (whatever good diet it may be). I was appalled when I came to my senses and realized what I was doing to my body with my "food."

Tesaje said...

I do have health insurance but I'm wary of docs too. Still for a sprain or broken something, they do great. For chronic stuff, not so much. I also can't take most drugs. That site is a wealth of info on non-traditional ways. It's good to read even if you don't want to do what some of them do just to see the different ways to get things done.

Bob said...

As a Canajun, (eh?) the idea of being "without health insurance" is to me, kind of like teleportation. It's something I've heard about, but can't quite get my head around.
"Going to the doctor" whether out of necessity or as some sort of hobby, tends to be an individual choice, as mentioned in the blog you referred to (good read by the way) and we have them in "our system" as well. The chronic pill takers that is.
Other than that, I have nothing to offer. I admit it. I guess it's kind of like sleeping with a 45 under your pillow? Just a foreign concept to me.
And please don't judge me. I'm not saying this from some sort of mocking stand point. I'm just saying it's more like I'm in awe of the idea of having that much courage to be totally without any kind of safety net at all.
Seriously. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

Obviously (although not obvious to most people) knowing what's going on with your body and what you're putting into it is going to make a huge difference in your life. That's a no brainer. Or at least it should be.
I've read about folks who have undergone the removal of a huge chunk of their intestines, recover and then STILL think it's OK to scarf down a "Big Muck" or some other such disgusting dog doo. Either that or they think it's good sport to just LOAD UP THEIR PLATES. Honestly? There are no words.

Good luck with that whole thing. I mean it, really.

ain't for city gals said...

Oh girl..a subject I try not to think about. I have Blue Cross with a $10,000 detuctable...which is almost like having no insurance at all! The only thing it is good for is to get me in the door if it ever comes to that (hopefully the front door at Mayo)!...I never had insurance until 3 years ago when my 27 year old niece (the light of my life) was diagnosed with thyroid cancer...she just this month received her 3 year cancer free report and we will be always and forever be grateful to the wonderful doctors and staff at the Mayo hospital in when you need "western medicine" you need it. My biggest gripe with insurance is those that never use it should be rewarded for their healthy and always trying lifestyle (as in lower premiums) instead of each month going up and up with less and less coverage...I don't know how much longer I am going to be able to afford coverage but for now I write the check ....

Karen and Al said...

LOVE the kitty picture.

Hey, Florida is a great place!

We luckily have good health insurance, but we have a friend recently diagnosed with cancer. He has no insurance, but got right into the hospital for surgery. They kept him there to get him set up for treatment. It seems like he's getting about as good of treatment as if he had insurance.

Lynne (WinnieViews) said...

I'm fortunate to have insurance right now, but if I didn't, and needed some expensive elective procedure, I'd likely look at paying cash in Mexico, Canada, or some other country (many of which have better outcomes than our U.S. hospitals do, and for a heck of alot less cost!). Will be interesting to see what the Supreme Court does to the Healthcare bill this month....I really liked that the bill already made it illegal for Insurance companies to set Lifetime limits or to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions, but really wished we could have done away with for-profit insurance companies altogether in favor of non-profit or Medicare payers instead.

Ok, off my soap box!

Sending good thoughts for your Florida ducks and hoping everything works out.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Mary, I read somewhere recently the opinion that Western medicine does a stellar job at diagnosis, surgery, and emergencies. Everything else, we do better looking elsewhere. That seemed about right.

Go ahead, Bob, rub it in! I know what you mean. In a country that seems to idolize medicine the way Americans do, it is pretty surreal that so many people have little or no access to it. How do you and the TC handle things while you're in Europe? Private insurance?

I actually think most people have no idea whatsoever that they can affect the course of their health. Doctors certainly don't tell us. I asked my doctor about risk factors for a certain situation, and he told me there were none. If you get it, you get it, and then you need him again. Actually, I got this from two different docs, for two different problems. As though we are powerless over our health. And, if a surgeon tells that resection patient that those burgers have no effect on his health, what's he gonna do? Why try salads when they're not gonna help anyway?

Ain't, I know it. There are plenty of things scary enough to write a check for. I'm so glad to hear your niece has a clean bill of health. And, it's true - auto insurance can come with "good driver" discounts, why not "good eater" discounts?

Karen, you're right. Lake City kind of sucks, but Annie reminds me I can drive to the beach. Or the springs. The springs are pretty great, too.

I'm very glad to hear your friend got good care without insurance. He may not own a house when he's done, but in that situation, priorities line up.

Lynne, that's a good point. Some South American countries even offer travel packages for medical tourists. And you're right that US hospitals don't offer up such squeaky-clean results records. I agree - I'd like to see insurance completely overhauled so it doesn't leave anyone out, even though we like to punish the unemployed a little extra.

Bob said...

Hey. Here in Europe we're extremely fortunate. As I explained to the young lady at the Pharmacy this morning, the "Plan" is, we pay and the company pays us back. Haven't had anything major thankfully, but we did take T.C. to a clinic last August with some tummy trouble. That was around €500 for a bunch of tests. But the company ponied up the dough for that too.
There's no "co-pay" or any of that silliness.
The concept is to keep us "whole", so they pay for a bunch of stuff, not just the medical stuff.
Like I said. "Horseshoes up the bum" lucky. No complaints.
I mean, I *suppose* that if the Ex-Pat package wasn't to our liking, we simply wouldn't be here. Not easy to say "no" however when someone comes along and offers to move you to Vienna and pay for well, just about everything.
And no offence to the wonderful folks in Virginia, but I don't mean that one.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Very sweet deal, Bob. The Company (not that Company, although we've had this conversation before) sounds like it values its employees, at least in that area. Besides, we'd be lucky to get one fairly minor test here for that price. All in all, I might relocate to Vienna, Virginia for that kind of deal. Or I wouldn't.

Sherry said...

As you can imagine I have a close up view of this question. We had thought seriously about going no insurance when we retired early and it was SO expensive. Why not, we are both in excellent health, hadn't been to the doctor in years for anything but a once a year check up, had eaten pretty close to perfectly for years too, always organic little or no meat, high fruits and veggies, exercised way more than your average folk. We were the poster children for doing everything to keep your health perfect. And then...........out of nowhere and with no symptoms David is diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma and if we didn't have insurance we would have lost everything. One medication alone is $7K a month. I can't even tell you how glad I am that we didn't play Russian Roulette.

I hate insurance companies. Health and medicine should be NON PROFIT. But when you need it, you need it. Having worked in a hospital for over 25 years it just ain't so that if you don't have insurance you get the same care as those who do.

MariaB said...

As a two-time cancer survivor, I have gotten back in treatment probably all the money I have paid into health insurance premiums, maybe more.

I suppose I'm what you all would call a chronic pill-taker, what with my hormone therapy to prevent the return of my cancer, and my migraine-prevention medication to prevent the migraines caused by the premature menopause caused by the hormone therapy medication to prevent the return of the cancer, and the anti-anxiety medication to treat the insomnia caused by the hot flashes caused by the hormone therapy medication to... you guessed it...

All in all, though, I would rather not have died of cancer, so... I'm sticking with health insurance and Western medicine, supplemented by eating healthy food, exercising, and natural supplements.

MariaB said...

Oh, and Rox, I hope your Stepdad does get better soon... he and your Mom, and you, have been through enough in the last year with her health already. Love you girls!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Maria! Love you, too.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Sherry and Maria, I hear you. When you need it, you need it.

Maria, did you know that there is not one single policy available to us as residents of NYS? Not even one we can't afford. It's the main reason we will have to switch allegiance officially.

Anonymous said...

I really, really worry about no health insurance. A single major medical problem can completely wipe you out financially -> Stay a week in a hospital and you owe well over $100K in expenses. I totally agree that health insurance is over-priced (crazy!), but that's where the high-deductable (catastrophic) plans come in. We pay ALL our regular care out-of-pocket (and shop around agressively for "cash" services...which can be MUCHO cheaper than insurance prices by the way), but if I were to come down with something really serious then the insurance would cover me past my $10K deductable.
Nina (wheelingit blog -> can't seem to comment with my blog name anymore?)

The Good Luck Duck said...

I know, Nina; it's worrisome, indeed.

You can't sign in with Name and URL? I apologize on Blogger's behalf. BAD Blogger! BAD!

Pam said...

You seem to have opened up a can of worms! But it's a good can of worms. My aunt retired early 5 or 6 years ago and doesn't have insurance...unfortunately she does not take care of herself or do anything preventive. What that woman eats seriously makes my skin crawl and she's a smoker as well! Somehow she has avoided catastrophe with just a once a year checkup and swears the doc gives her the "ok"...but I'm not buying that since she's about 100 pounds overweight and hacks constantly. How did I get sidetracked here...oh yeah, prevention! Since I changed my lifestyle I only go to the doctor once a year myself for bloodwork to make sure those hereditary factors aren't rearing their ugly heads, but my husband has had back surgery and broken leg surgery over the last 8 years and I was sure happy for the insurance then, but even more so for the extended benefits of getting paid 80% of his salary while off work for 6 months both times! I couldn't imagine what would have happened had he not been getting paid and his job held for so long. We are very fortunate. That being said, I'm a big proponent of national health care because while we haven't ever had to "worry" yet about this issue, we know that many people do and I for one am happy to pay my share of taxes so that all our citizens can be equally secure.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Hear, hear! My sentiments, exactly. Thanks for saying so.

I'm glad you had such good insurance when you needed it. It's amazing how some people manage to live to ripe old ages with such awful habits. My ex-FIL has had brain surgery and diabetes and raging alcoholism and smoking and heart disease and eats any kind of gross thing that runs slower than him, and is 81. No apparent signs of giving up. I hope your aunt is one of those folks, if she's not going to mend her ways.

Pam said...

You inspired me to write a related post, I gave you a mention! ;)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Great, I'm on my way! Thanks!

Nancy said...

I have been fortunate to have had excellent health insurance while working. I mean excellent in the fact that I just paid $30 for $10,000 cataract surgery. I have been spoiled by not having to pay anything for this luxury.
This insurance will go away on July 31st, which is technically my last day of employment (retired then, vacation time for June & July) I will then be paying ~$250/month for insurance that isn't half as good. I considered going without insurance right now as I am healthy, active and eat right. Or at least look into a sparse policy that might cover a catastrophic illness.
The problem that I will face in the future and that many full-time RVers face is getting a policy that would cover them where ever they are and at a price that is relatively reasonable. It seems like it doesn't have to be rocket science. You pay for a policy of your choice, you get sick enough to see a physician, your insurance pays.
Part of the problem is that too many people run to the doctor and even the ER with the sniffles.
OK, I'm done. More tea please. :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

And there's the rub. Getting coverage wherever you are, for a reasonable price. Which is a big part of deciding where to domicile, at least for us. Of course, the major medical plans won't pay for a doctor's visit, which is where being healthy and active pays off, because those routine visits and now-and-then care are the things we will pay for out of pocket.

It does seem like it should be a lot simpler, doesn't it? Mint or chamomile?

Suzanne said...

Hey, Roxanne and Annie!

I am in Mexico and therefore a bit behind on my blog reading. I am trying to enter the contest on the other site, but it will not allow me to post over there for some reason? Am I too late?

Suzanne (WGS)

Vicki said...

Awww...dang...(pulling my foot outta my mouth) Sorry for my earlier post...Sure hope your step-Dad is on the mend real soon!
Too hot n humid in Florida right now to make that trek, unless necessary.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Suzanne! Mexico! Wow! Is it hot? Are you in an RV? Are you at the beach? No, I haven't done the drawing, and I'll include you.

Vicki, no apologies necessary. It is entirely too hot and humid in Florida now, and currently too stormy, too. Blech.

Suzanne said...

Hey, RV, but a bus! Does that count? haha!! I got asked to house sit for some friends in San Miguel de Allende, so I took to the bus, Gus! Been traveling around a bit afterward to see some places on my Mexico list. It was hot on the beach, but we got run out by Hurricane Carlotta! Headed for higher ground to San Cristobal de las Casas, where it is almost 7,000 feet and sweater weather! (I am behind on the blog, obviously, but trying to update soon in spite of a tempramental laptop!)

I replied to your comment on my blog, but I don't know if it sends you an individual email, as it is new for me. Can you please let me know?

Thinking about you, and hoping Florida timing remains in your favor!


Chris from said...

Having a health insurance cover is certainly important these days. You may resent having to pay a monthly premium but at least you can be sure that your financial security won't be compromised due to medical needs. Sweet cat photo btw. :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Chris. "Resentment" is not the primary problem. I take it there is no national healthcare program in South Africa, either?

Hey Suzanne! Yes, a bus is good. No, I don't get an email unless I think to check that little box.

MFH said...

It was one of Aldous's (Huxley) final comments; he too advised: to try and be a little kinder.