My camera has a setting for pets. You just swing it around the room and when it recognizes an animal, it automatically takes a shot.
Tucker insisted I crop his outrageous obesity. |
Ellen has more toes than Tucker has mealtimes. |
Penny |
Penny and Bob |
Lilykins-Poo Honey Baby Kitty Peaches Gumby Poohead. You can tell she's oldest by her name. |
Flagstaff has a Farmer's Market with actual farmers, none of whom you'll see here:
There had better be some biscuits in those bags, Mister. |

Years ago, when the only organic produce I had ever seen came from GreenStar, I thought "organic" meant "overpriced and shrivelly."
Later, we joined a CSA whose owners grew luscious and plentiful produce without chemicals (they couldn't call it Organic®, because years and dollars are required to buy into that trademark), and I got reillusioned. The CSA (and others in that area) also participate in Healthy Food For All, a program that subsidizes half the cost of a season's produce for low-income families.
Then there was the amazing produce our friends, Linda and Bill, grow veganically on their Unexpected Farm. They don't even use poop!
I do miss that particular connection to community. That sense that my food was growing in dirt three miles up the road from my house, and that the family who worked hard growing it was making a decent living.
This weekend: Art in the Park, at Wheeler Park, Flagstaff. To which we are going. There are more places to boondock around here than you can shake a pine bough at, so come on up! The weather's fine.
That dog is bigger than all those cats put together. But probably eats more than they do.
That wasn't a very good comment, but I like being first. What can I say?
First trumps quality every time. Plus, I know you got as far as the big dog pic, which is pretty far, considering my low priority on quality.
Do your kitties try to escape whenever you open the door? We are most concerned about this since one of our cats SHOULD have been named Houdini. Trying to figure out how to best avert disaster.
And what a fine menagerie you have there my dear! Wonder why it's always "you lucky dog" when something great happens?? These seem like pretty LUCKY CATS to me.
Brenda, they used to. We started keeping a spray bottle near the door and spraying anyone nearby. Eventually, they stopped that behavior. Then, just this week, Penny got a wild hair(ball) and charged the door. Then she just meowed around the Duck until she came to Annie and went back inside.
Thanks, Sherry. They do live a pretty posh life. Food every day and new scenery every few weeks. And all the naps they can take.
I thought you would name Annie as a kitty. I used to grow my own organic veggies. Yum, yum. Gave away tons too. Whereever you are is a good place to get local produce. It just helps when you know the place better.
Brenda, I don't know about their kitties but mine regard the van as home and look outside and think, nope, I don't know that place so I'm staying inside my home. At worst, they have popped out only to hide under the van, thinking, how am I going to get back inside that van? I also have them wear a harness and leash at all times so I can grab it. The leash also usually leaves a trail to tell where they have decided to hide for a head count. Much easier than pets in a car.
I love Penny's ears and her aristocratic disdain. Our Farmer's Markets don't start up here in MT until the middle or end of July. I am really looking forward to them.
Aristocratic disdain - that's perfect! I love it.
You must have a short season?
Mary, farmer's markets are a good local source, but the deeper connection to a CSA is hard to find on the road and on the move.
What a photographic litter you have there. Best of all, they look so very content!
I miss my CSA. They have been turned into silly business models around these parts, and I got tired of getting an entire box of okra every week.
You're showing us lots to do in Flagstaff. We'll be in Scottsdale at the end of the month.
We are planning on coming up in a couple of weeks....probably on Lower Lake Mary road...can hardly wait for cool weather. We were actually there a couple of weeks ago...heaven, I tell you!
Love that market, and really most things about Flag. Except winter snow that is.
I think you need a couple more cats. Or maybe that big dog. Or was it a horse?
Kim, be glad I didn't actually photograph the litter. It's not that kind of blog. And, they usually are pretty content. Food, soft beds, catnip - where do I sign?
Andra, what sort of business models? Our old winter CSA was like that, only substitute beets and kale.
Ain't, we found great spots in that area. We're trying to decide between there and the other side of Flag. I suppose we should make a pretense of beginning to start to think about future movings-on.
Yeah, Gaelyn, that snow is a fly in the broth. I keep thinking "This is great...oh, yeah." And, seriously. No one needs a couple more cats. I even withheld one from today's gallery. They just appear.
With 5 cats (or did I miscount), wonder where you sit or sleep in your RV!
You counted correctly, and there's one more who didn't make it to today's post. Sometimes they let us use their big bed. Or a chair, but that's trickier.
Ahhhh cat days... the most I ever had at once is 9, thanks in large part to our one neighborhood hussy. Every time we tried to get her fixed we had to wait for "one more litter!"
So glad you had fun at the farmer's market. Always interesting people to meet.
Awww, cute kitties!
I tried to join a CSA for this summer, their website said they had half-shares, but when I emailed them to join, they replied that they were not doing half shares this year and that I could just meet them at the Farmers Market on Saturdays to get what I wanted. Only thing is the employee shuttle does not go to town on Saturday mornings and I don't want to drive the RV to town every week.
I miss my CSA in Moab. Great produce. And I can tell the cats run the show and let the poor humans think they have a say in things.
Did ya'll have a good time at the "Flagstaff Art in the Park" that looks like fun.
Years ago, I rescued a couple of cats, brother and sister from death row. Jack and Jill they were 12 wk old brother and sister form a litter of 12. Jill is sitll with us at 11 years but Jack died last year. He was a big Tom at 18 lbs. To see pictures check out
Tomorrow, I go p/u my new rescue Vito, a 4 year old Itailan Greyhound. I'm so excited. Photos to come. Loc=ve the pics of your babies pets are wonderful.
That's a nice camera setting... mine does that with pie ... amazing
HAHA! Carolyn.
Harriet, it was a lot of fun, thanks. Only, I was mistaken - what we did was the First Friday Art Walk. It's a crazy social event! Plus, I got to see downtown Flagstaff at night, which is a trip in itself.
Yay Vito!! He's so lucky! You're so lucky!
Chinle, you've seen right through us. Thank goodness they can't reach the gas pedal, or we'd be obsolete.
That's a bummer, Teri. A half-share would have been just the thing.
Maria, then you're left raising the grandkits. We've had as many as eight, but we lived in a big house then.
Love Lilykins-Poo Honey Baby et al's name. With all of those names she must surely be from royal lineage. But then aren't all cats supreme? Personally, we know our place and have always been grateful that our cats allow us to live in their kingdom. :)
It's a privilege to serve cats, it's true.
Is veganically really a word? No poop, eh!
Cute Kitties !!! What length is your RV? I am hoping to travel in a smallish one . 20 to 24 ft. or a camper. Not sure yet. Plans still. I have 3 cats and a dog. Quite a menagerie myself.
I love seeing your kitties !!!!
Are you all planning to stay in Flagstaff for the summer?
The ones where everything costs a bazillion dollars, isn't entirely organic, and has no variety.
Contessa, I think if it's not, it's beginning to mainstream. No poop, eh!
Sue, we're 38.5 feet long. Our cats are all (but one) seniors, and getting sedate. How about yours? We're liking Flag, and we may stay on for a little while. The weather is so great, and if we'd get rain it would be Nirvana, but with feelings and desires.
Oh, that kind. Bleh. Yeah, I would back away from that yuppie trap, too.
You seem very happy. I'm so glad. ;)
Hi Marianne in "the burg"! I love your handle! Thanks - it seems that we are quite happy!
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