Sunday, June 23, 2013

New Mexico oddities, and I don't mean us.

I must have the Zen-iest friends in the blogiverse. If you didn't read my last post, don't bother. Just slip down to the comments.

Lay off the horn.

It looks like Cheryl may be almost ready to moooove out, and so am I. Today, though, we'll go see Chris Collins and Boulder Canyon at the park. I've been listening to their music and getting John Denver mellow. 

I want to bark there, but the pavement's too ruff. Glad there's a woof over my head.

That's all I've got. Yeah, I'm a little embarrassed.



Bob said...

Thanks for the effort.

The Good Luck Duck said...

⬆ Har!

Unknown said...

hahaaha! great sense of humor alive and well in NM!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Geri, I'll pretend you mean me and say "thank you!"

Sherry said...

Love the license plate!

Donna K said...

I listened to the music - good sound. Please don't bark at the concert, but do enjoy.

owensontheroad said...

Don't be embarrassed, sometimes we are just speechless :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for letting us know you're about to hit the road again. I like knowing where you are and whether you're doing okay.

Anonymous said...

When writer's block hits, just post a picture of skat. Or a dog scootin'. Or some beach owler. Then wait for the sh!t to hit the fan :P

Xo! MLCruiser

Mermaid in the Mountains said...

perfect for such a day as this. enjoy the super moon!

Gaelyn said...

Have fun woofing around.

Unknown said...

Your sense of humor always cracks me up!

Rick said...

Well done! Woof, woof!

John and Pam ( said...

Some days are like that. Just good to know you are there enjoying life:)

The Good Luck Duck said...

They are, yes they are, Pam. Thanks.

It was ruff, but I got through it, Rick.

Thanks, Mary!

Gaelyn, I always have a furry good time.

Thanks, Ruthie!

MLC, that's just what the doctor ordered. The proctologist.

Thanks, Sue! It's good to know someone's keeping track of me.

Laurie: sometimes we should be speechless and aren't.

Thanks, Donna. I try to keep myself heeled.

Cute, huh, Sherry!

Aren't they scary, CJ?

Pam said...

I'll reply to your last post here, late as usual. My inner thoughts lately have included jubilation over a shoulder surgery that was supposed to be extensive and turned out to be the simplest you can get. Then I roll right into, why can't I do everything I used to 2 of recovery. We are complex creatures, or maybe too simple, I haven't decided. P.S. I think you are HI-lar-ious, but I come from a long line of people with questionable humor.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Questionable humor is my strength. How great that your surgery went better than planned! Yes, we're both complex and simple. David Cain from Raptitude calls us 'the most ridiculous animal on earth' and I'm good with that description.

Harriet said...

All of us feel this way sometime in our lives.
It will all be oaky if you just get into the water and enjoy the experience.

Love the plates & Moooooooooooove Over; here's your sign!!

The Good Luck Duck said...

AWESOME video, Harriet! I'm going to share in on Facebook. I clapped.

TexCyn said...
