Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Datil New Mexico to Pinetop-Lakeside Arizona to Flagstaff

Before I left Datil, Betty gave me a going-away lizard.

Did someone call for a ... lizard? [chicka bow bow]

Don't judge me. College is expensive.


Did I mention Jackson Park in Pie Town? Seventy-five acres of (free - donations encouraged) boondocking. There are lots of big trees and spaces for big rigs. No toilets, though, and that was that for me.

I'm set up for very remote bucketing, but when there are other campers nearby I demur. 

I stopped to see my friends Sue and Steve in Pinetop-Lakeside, Arizona. That's a happ'nin' little town, and after New Mexico I felt overwhelmed by the traffic. Sue showed me a couple of places where I could spend the night after she cooked me a delicious vegan dinner. After I ate and talked and laughed with them, I headed out to find a spot. 

My favorite was Scott Reservoir campground, but it was full. If you go through, watch the road. I bottomed out on the same rock twice. You won't do that.

At the last minute, I decided to push on through to Holbrook. That's before I saw 77 at night. Getting on is a long-term commitment, and so I committed myself.


Once I was in Holbrook, I just decided to go as far as I could manage. I pulled off a couple of times but couldn't sleep, so I kept going. 

I got as far as Flagstaff, pulled off in a neighborhood, and when I woke in the morning, I was in front of my cousins' house. Surprise! They were surprised, too, when I stealthily rolled out the door and activated the car alarm in my pocket. Here I am!

Bailey, Sarah, and Landon. Names are interchangeable. 

This mosaic is on a motel next to the Auto Zone. I think I take its picture every time I see it.

Rent me! Don't judge - college is expensive.


Unknown said...

But we love to see you on the pole.

The Good Luck Duck said...

That's what everyone tells me.

Unknown said...

They are just jealous.

Unknown said...

Wow, that Jucy rental is cute, but less stealthy than a tented Prius!

Cute family pic, too!

Gaelyn said...

Funny how Spud just knows where to go.

The Good Luck Duck said...

If I give her her head, Gaelyn, she keeps pulling into gas stations.

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Nice lizard:) Love the sign and old building pics!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, C&A!

The Good Luck Duck said...

It's what I think, too, Jan.

No kidding, Sue! No sneaking that into a Walmart. That pudgy baby, either. Nothing stealth about him.

Anonymous said...

We stayed at Jackson Park. But we had our own toilet.

Kate said...

Gotta it's gas stations, tomorrow, a car wash...within a week she'll be rolling you into one of those blingy-up car places and you'll find yourself with light-up spinny wheels and a sound system guaranteed to shake your butt tent right off.

Kate said...

Also, I want a going-away lizard. Actually I'm pretty sure it's Loiosh who wants the going-away lizard, but it's hard to tell.

Al Bossence said...

I had a portable toilet once but the wheels fell off.................

Sherry said...

That is a seriously handsome lizard. Did he really run off with you?? Glad to hear Spud has some spunk!

Brenda A. said...

Nothing parties like a rental!!! Especially a bright green & purple one. :)

Glad you made it to cooler temps. And I freaking love that mosaic!

Unknown said...

Awesome rental and with a lizard as a companion.... what a great life!

Sarah R. said...

We're famous! ;). We're very happy you're here Roxy!

Tesaje said...

That sure is a funny looking cat you have there. I'm pretty sure my predator pals would have him for lunch. I've had driving days like that - couldn't sleep so I just kept going. A low of 77! But it's a dry heat ... That's like CA where there just issn't enough night for the temps to drop down to the dew point from the highs of the day before. Here on the east coast, a low of 77 means the dew point is really, really high.

Merikay said...

I'm looking forward to seeing lizzards like that one someday. All we have here are boreing little guys.

tstda62 said...

I love my spiny crevice lizards. Look for them every spring. They get really big by fall. They like to watch me work in the yard and come over closer to see what I am up too. I call them my pets.

ThE MidLiFe CrUiSeR said...

Huh?? But your family looks so normal, Rox! :P hehe!!!


Jim and Sandie said...

And this was almost the drive that never ended. Love the lizard - but don't think you want to mess with him when he has that "look". Look at that expression on Landon's (??) face. Priceless.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Very fancy, Linda! I think the park used to have porta-janes, but they're gone now.

Kate, my ride will be pimped against my will. Yes, Loiosh has already been in touch with me about the lizard.

Al, then you had to build a house around it.

Sherry, are you doubting that such a handsome gentleman would choose to accompany me?

Brenda, nothing drives like one, either. So I've heard.

Life is good, Janie!

Thanks, Sarah! I'm happy to be here, too.

Mary, isn't the dew point always really high in the east? I noticed that weather reports out here list dew points, especially as monsoon gets closer. I like that.

Merikay, these Crevice spiny lizards are ready to be your friend. Call 900 ... They're pretty curious guys.

Betty, they've gotten used to your flattery and cool drinks of water. And the flies you catch for them.

MLC, there's no telling by looking at families. We had to get Nana off the pole to get her to the nursing home.

That's exactly how the drive felt, Sandie. The fear from "that look" drove me onward.

Anonymous said...

We haven't been in Jackson Park for a while. The roads were pretty rough last time -- how did Spud do on them? I'd also have to hang out flags to find my way back out -- loopy, windy, go-in-circles roads are what I remember...

Renee (are there other Renees out there posting here, or can I actually drop the "from Datil" byline???)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Datil Renee, they weren't especially bad; Spud did fine. Flags at the campsite would be a good idea. I was picturing flags on your rig and had to think a long time about how that would help.

I think you're the only Renee! If another comes along, we'll make her be "Renee from ____."

Newagenomad said...

Was it Sunday you were at Scotts reservoir? If so you ran over that big rock right in front of me.

The Good Luck Duck said...

No way! Yes, it was Sunday. If I had known it was you I would have just pulled in all brassy-like and set up my butt-tent. <---[This is probably not true.]

Leigh said...

Beautiful lizard!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Isn't he, Leigh? Don't you want to tuck dollar bills into his G-scale?

Bill said...

Great photos! I particularly like the second lizard shot. It has a look of confidence. :)

Unknown said...

Flagstaff is one of my favorite places! I loved the time I spent there! Love the lizard shots! I have a few lizards here but they don't stop and pose!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Bill, that is one self-assured lizard - no doubt about it.

Geri, Flagstaff is a fun place to be. There is plenty to do, or nothing.