Saturday, July 27, 2013

Holbrook, Arizona: gateway to the Painted Desert

 I had an entire day to get to Albuquerque, and that's just how long it took me.

A family from Texas told me this was the basis for Cars. Did not know!

 The mom told me the Petrified Forest National Park was just up the road! I have all day to get to Albuquerque!

I knew I needed to get going, but this place just happied me up so much I stayed longer.

I wanted to buy my annual Interagency pass, but the card reader was down at the front gate. She sent me through without paying ... yet. I paid up a few hours later at the other end of the park.

The sweet young thing up front kept trying to get me to say I was 62, but eventually I will be.

There's always a good excuse to photograph the sky in New Mexico.

I thought I had plenty of time, but I didn't count on a storm of biblical proportions driving me to seek shelter in a car lot just around dark. After I considered my options, my friend's happy home seemed worth pushing through for.


Joy and I have been friends since we were fresh young things in 1975. Now we're well-seasoned, like elk jerky.



Unknown said...

Thank you!!!

The Good Luck Duck said...

It's my pleasure, Maggie, literally.

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Looks like a flashback to my childhood:)

The Good Luck Duck said...

The cars, or the scenery?

Kate said...

I love a place that'll happy you up. And pretty soon I'll be able to be there too!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you got out of soggy Flag (so did we). Now it's raining cats and dogs in Prescott. Hope you find somewhat drier climes in new mex! Maureen

Karen Snyder said...

NO excuse, none at all, is needed to photograph the New Mexico sky! There's none other like it! What fun for you to be visiting with a friend you've known for so long. Enjoy!

Unknown said...

Wow, what a great way to go to ABQ. I go up I-25. Not nearly so interesting. Love the photographs!

Jeannie and Eldy said...

Loved the beautiful photos of the area! Glad you got to spend time with a friend....

Bob said...

Awesome photos. They're from THIS planet, right??

Kimbopolo said...

Best raven photo EVER!

Linda said...

Wonderful. When I went through that area a bunch of years ago, I couldn't figure out how they called it the Painted Desert. Now, I do.

Particularly like the one with the raven. Desert ravens are shinier, to reflect off more heat. :)

Brenda A. said...

I see the Sacred Raven has found you again. This must be a sign. Hmmmm.....

Don't mind me....just a raven lunatic.

Anonymous said...

Hey Roxanne those are some beautiful photos!!! Glad you stayed dry and safe.

Metamorphosis Lisa said...

Squawk! Gorgeous!

Metamorphosis Lisa

Rod Ivers said...

We never seem to have time to stop there when we are headed to and from Mesa... Now I see what we are missing... Happy you up....! Now that's a new expression for this old fellow...

Teri said...

Cool pics. I have never seen pics of that area before. I volunteered at a wildlife refuge last year and for 250 hours they gave me an annual federal pass. Saved me the $80. Some wildlife refuges have houses or cabins for volunteers that don't have an RV.

Gaelyn said...

Thanks for the memories. Haven't been thru there in many a decade.
Don't get why they try to sell you a Senior pass before you're 62 because the next park you show it to, along with you ID, will take it away if you're not.

heyduke50 said...

loved the raven shot...

Emily said...

Love that part of the country... great post!! We dashed through at 50mph the first time and had to return again to see it at a more reasonable pace, up close and personal... great pics!!!

Rick said...

Amazing photos of the desert and the puffy, white clouds. Looks to be a photographer's paradise.

Contessa said...

Lovely photos. I can see why you wanted to stay. Have you been staying in your car lately?

The Good Luck Duck said...

These comments are full of information I used to not have. Thanks!

Hi Contessa! I've been hiding at my cousins' house in Flagstaff, so not much Spud-dwelling lately. It's a safe place, and they are very tolerant of my unsteady uncertainty. :o)

Rick, later that same day the sky got all "WOW!" in a stormy way. I didn't photograph that because I was occupied saying "WOW!" and staying on the road.

Thanks, Emily! Yeah, I kept saying Okay, last turnout for lookie-looing and then I'd say Oooh! View! You really need to have a few hours.

Thanks, HeyDuke! I saw him sitting there and thought OHPLEASEOHPLEASEOHPLEASE. He stayed.

No, Gaelyn, there's no reason for it. Maybe she was hoping I would just 'fess up to my "real" age for my own good.

Teri, that's very good to know. I overlook those situations because I figured I needed an RV to qualify.

Rod, I definitely recommend seeing it in person, because the view is much bigger in real life.

CAW! Thanks, Lisa!

Thanks, MG! I can't wait to hear about your show.

LOL Brenda! I knew you were stark raven mad.

Thanks, Linda! I didn't know that about their gloss. If I were shinier I'd be cooler?

Thanks, Kim! I have to admit I was pretty happy about that one, too.

I know, Bob. That's exactly the sensation.

Thanks, Jeannie. Me, too. It's been fun.

I know, Sue, right? 25 has its charm (speed), but this was pretty slow and amazing.

Thanks, Karen! I imagine that park is used to us back-easters coming out and gawking at its sky. And, I'm having a good time catching up with Joy.

Maureen, I was getting root rot in Flag. I'm so glad for those forests to be getting enough rain, but ... ! The last insult came just before I left when that hailstorm took down my cousin's garden. Ack.

YAY Kate! You'll be out here for sure!

John and Pam ( said...

The rocks are amazingly beautiful!!! I so miss those magnificent views. Thanks for sharing so many photos. I really enjoyed them. You won't find skies like that on the east coast!!

The Good Luck Duck said...

It's true, Pam. The sky out here sold me when I first saw it, and I haven't stopped gazing since.

Sherry said...

I remember thinking I'd like to camp right in the middle of the Painted Desert and stay for probably ever. What a glorious place and your pictures more than do it justice. WELL DONE! Especially the raven. I do think he had some advice for you or he would not have hung around. Did you get it???

stillhowlyn said...

Great photos of Petrified Forest!

Love Your RV said...

I stayed in the WigWams as a little kid in the 70's
We did a family vacation and drove along it when it was actually Route 66.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Ray, I would love to have stayed a night there. If it's any consolation, that stretch is still Route 66, and very lightly traveled these days.

Thanks, Lynda!

Sherry, I hear ya. You're kind to say that about the photos, but they really don't come close to doing it justice, especially not the joy a body might feel in being there. The raven? Yeah, I heard him, too.

JO said...

Great pictures as always. Being back in Tucson has been shall we say HOT, HUMID and boring. Heading out to Casa Grande to look at Capri Campers.