Saturday, February 22, 2014

I inherited a campsite from The Bayfield Bunch - Sedona, AZ boondocking

I'm camping with Annie for a couple of days at the campsite Al and Kelly (The Bayfield Bunch) enjoyed while they toured the area. The pictures you will see here will be inferior versions of the originals, lacking - as they are - the Bayfield Bunch.

Annie is heading to New Mexico, after feeling somewhat hassled by a Forest Service representative. There are some ambiguous regulations about "living in the forest," and although a good argument can usually be made that this isn't happening, the rangers are given carte blanche to ticket.

As much as I love Arizona, I'm an even bigger fan of New Mexico and its state park system. Rather than feeling that you're fending off overzealous federal employees, it's possible to relax and enjoy beautiful (and comfortable) surroundings where you're welcomed. State parks encourage you to stay for two weeks, and in some areas (near Truth or Consequences, in particular) you can stay well within the limits of their regulations and still remain in the same locale.

Out-of-state visitors can get an annual state parks pass for $225. After that, boodocking in the state parks is free, and a site with water and electric is $4/night. Or, $10 and $14, respectively, without the pass.

 This campsite is not in New Mexico.

Kelly built these Inuksuit.

There is no cat here.

 Or here.



Nothing to see here.

I'll help Annie get her car back and return the loaner in Flagstaff. Then I'll __________ (winning entry receives great inner satisfaction).


Mary said...


Anonymous said...

The non-cat does not look impressed.


Metamorphosis Lisa said...

...boogie on in to New Mexico.

Kathy5853 said...

...continue my staring contest with that evil twig. I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED!

Donna K said...

Not just cat - miniature mountain lion.

Anonymous said...

Don't you have a yurt in New Mexico? Hit the road..Arizona getting wierd lately...time to go.

Dave Burdick ( said...

Our Govt has been out of control since 9/11...which is what the enemy wanted all my humble opinion of course. Enjoy your spot there, it sure looked like a dandy when the Bayfield Bunch had it. --Dave (

Jac said...

...get my eyes checked. I keep seeing cats. Or not seeing cats.

Pam said...

We've been staying in New Mexico State Parks all winter. It has been wonderful. We were planning to head over to Az when it got colder but the temps stayed mild so we stayed, too. This is what I pictured when I dreamed of fulltiming-large sites with beautiful views and privacy. It's paradise. I almost don't want winter to end because I know the crowds will be back. It just boggles my mind that the most beautiful site I've ever camped in is also the cheapest. It's like boondocking with hook-ups.

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Sounds like a great stop less the federal enforcers:)

RVSue said...

It's a shame that campers are being hassled by some of the National Forest rangers in Arizona. It's no fun wondering "gee, is that a ranger?" every time a vehicle goes by the campsite.

I had a NM parks pass when I first started full-timing. Loved it! Always good to see you're still quacking along . . .

Anonymous said...

Then I'll..... Get the flock out of AZ! Those folks are getting wacky! Time to vote with our feet and take our $$ elsewhere. Glad you got to meet up with Annie. Say hi for me!

Grace said...

Arizona does some pretty stupid things, in my opinion. I can't wait until we can get that NM pass and spend some time there. NM loves RVers :)

Grace (in Tucson)

Allison said...

AZ is just an embarrassment. We used to think the final resting place would be here, but after this latest piece of crap legislation, I'm not sure I could endure the shame of Arizona license plates. We're going to have to reconsider NM.

Merikay said...

We are doing Florida next winter, maybe New Mexico the year after next. So many wonderful possibilities ahead of us.

Page said...

I an in SC and Arizona legislators make SC legislators look almost sane. Unless the AZ governor vetoes it, I have stricken Arizona off my list as a destination.

Teresa Evangeline said...

You love NM ... Annie's heading to NM ... do we have to spell this out for you ... :)))

The Good Luck Duck said...

LOL, you guys! It's true - Arizona legislators are making the whole state look crazycakes. And, as far as enforcing ambiguous boondocking regulations, some places understand that boondockers buy gas and groceries and eat at restaurants and shop ... etc. If we don't do it in your town, we'll do it somewhere else.

I do love New Mexico. We need a new bumpersticker: New Mexico is for B♡♡NDOCKERS! New Mexico does love RVers, and RVers love New Mexico.

Travels with Emma said...

Guess I'm out of the news loop. What is it Arizona has done?

The Good Luck Duck said...

It's here, Judy.

Sherry said...

It's where?
Glad to hear all this about NM and that it is a possible winter hangout. Warm I take it? Florida is going to fall into the ocean from all the snowbirds and getting any campsite means reservations a year in advance. I can't think that far ahead. Although I do love the ocean/gulf/springs, I think perhaps I should try NM for winter.

What is the name of this cat that isn't there?

Unknown said...

Ha.... and no inheritance tax involved.
Jake hasn't toppled the inukshuks yet ?
wish we hadn't missed you.....

The Good Luck Duck said...

Kelly, Annie doesn't want to tell you that she toppled one this morning. Jake is trying to rebuild it.

Sherry, New Mexico isn't especially known for its warm winters. Arizona goes further south, and its southernmost boondocking spots are at low elevations, so that's about as favorable as you can get. New Mexico doesn't have many low elevations. But, Pam says it was mild enough to winter over this year, and it is already warming by now in places like TorC.

The cat is not named Ellen.

Unknown said...

I'm wondering what the dog rules are in NM parks, just thinking about the Jake boy....

The Good Luck Duck said...

Right - I think there are leash regulations there. I've been with friends who didn't leash their dogs, and it's kind of an under-the-radar thing. It's true, there wouldn't be the same kind of privacy there.

Anonymous said...


Pam said...

Yeah, I think this winter may have been a fluke weather-wise. It wasn't as warm here as Arizona though and NM definitely isn't a popular winter destination in the RV world. I'm anti-social so that's a selling point for me but we were also prepared to scoot over to Az, or even Texas, if the temps dipped too much. Our pass had already paid for itself last spring so we wouldn't have really been losing anything if we had to leave. If someone bought the pass just planning to stay the winter they might be disappointed.

Nickie and Jim said...

Who's cat?

Kimbopolo said...

There you are! I realized that blogger has not been updating your posts for me on my blogroll. Bad blogger! Bad!

The Good Luck Duck said...

EXACTLY, Nickie. That's Ellen, and she lives with Annie.

Kim, I've been 'aving an 'ell of a time with Blogger feeds lately. I say it's fixed permanently - what do you think?

stillhowlyn said...

I did not see that cat, but it was amazing!

Kimbopolo said...

So ... it's not me, it's you?

Forgot to mention that I've been hanging out in your old hang-out, Fernandina Beach.

Anonymous said...

How do I get unsubscribed from this?

The Good Luck Duck said...

Depends on how you subscribed. If you're getting it by email, click "unsubscribe" at the bottom of the email.

wheelingit said...

I'm totally with you on there's a state that actually WELCOMES fulltime RVers and offers an inexpensive camping plan that anyone can buy. Sadly, I've heard worse and worse problems w/ the AZ Forest rangers especially in the forest areas north of Phoenix (Prescott & Coconino). Some of the encounters have been almost aggressive. I understand why it's happening, but it makes it stressful for regular boondockers. Go East my friend....


The Good Luck Duck said...

Nina, that does seem to be the problem area. I wish Arizona State Parks administration would get on the ball and create a program like New Mexico's. And that public lands employees would back down from their adversarial stance, and continue to be stewards on our behalf.