Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Los Alamos, New Mexico. All of the beauty, none of the crowds

Los Alamos, New Mexico, is a long drive from anywhere you are, unless you're in Los Alamos. That's a big part of its charm, and a major reason it has the history it has. It needed to be geographically isolated. It doesn't need to be anymore, it just is, and residents like it that way fine, thanks.

Penny acting like she had shared the driving. Cat, please.

We got back two days ago, and I'm still feeling the effects of that marathon drive. Ironically, it makes me sit around. If I had been alone, a stopover or two would have been required.

The Rio Grande, looking full and sassy.

If you need me, I'll just be sitting around indoors, relishing the unlimited internet and heat that just comes right out of the ceiling! You've heard of Shangri-La; I'm living it.

Tell me where you like to boondock (with toilets) near Prescott, AZ. Por favor, sil vous plait. I've never been there, and I hear Joe calling my name. You know him as Trader Joe, but you're not close like we are.


Brenda A. said...

My favorite client absolutely adores Prescott and would move there if it was up to her. She loves all the outdoorsy stuff, especially the hiking. Wish I had details I could give you. She loves that it has everything she wants/needs there while retaining a small town charm.

Dawn from Camano Island said...

Love that Los alamos country!

SwankieWheels said...

Ahw, you look so happy and the photos are great. I'm gonna do it Roxi... kayaking my 50th state in May.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Swankie, you go, girl! It's gonna be a blowout bash.

Me, too, Dawn.

Yes, but does she say where the toileted campsites are, Brenda??? :D Yes, I'm going to check that place out.

Rojo said...

You are back in the land that I love NM.

The Good Luck Duck said...

I'm partial to New Mexico myself, Red.

Gaelyn said...

Maybe you'll still be hanging around Prescott when I get back from South Africa, in April.

Linda said...

Prescott is nice. But it's an "urban interface" area, so you can only boondock in designated spots, none of which have facilities, and all of which have a one-week limit. You can stay overnight at the Walmart there, though, and they do have permits. We gave up trying to find a spot where we could bung the RV and ended up paying for camping.