Friday, February 28, 2014

Sedona Heatwave is not just a Thai entrée

I've spent the last few nights in Flagstaff. I can explain: Annie needed a slight assist to get the motorhome and her loaner vehicle up to Flagstaff to avoid authoritarian conflict. Since the loaner wasn't set up to be towed, it was a two-person job.

I am "borrowing" Annie's picture of the site, because my brain and clicky-finger were stunned by the temperatures. The rest of me was wondering what the H-E-double-toothpicks I was doing there when I could be anywhere but Flagstaff. Or IN Flagstaff, but indoors (thanks, Cousins!).

So, you know I have a patented, secret (I'll tell you) method for staying warm in Spud. I added some deluxe features to the package the past couple of days. I lay on a metallicized sheet, then add fluffy layers of down QUACK! on top. The final slice of blanket is another reflective sheet, with the reflection pointed toward me.

In cases of extreme cold, or need for privacy, I add a reflective panel to the hatch window, and the hatch gets closed. The Reflectix is covered with black fabric, so from the outside it doesn't look like you can't see in. It just looks like there's nothing to see. Then I add blackout curtains behind the front seats. This retains heat, but also moisture, so that I need to crack a couple of windows.

I won't go into my boudoir wardrobe. I'll leave that to your voyeuristic imagination. I'll just drop risqué hints, like "there are multiple layers," and "how do you like my insulated ski hat?"

Tonight I'm a couple thousand feet lower and forty miles souther, at a campsite WITH A TOILET - huzzah.

The following pictures are sad. They are the documentation of the death of my Pentax point-and-shoot. There was a nasty grinding sound that was too familiar, and the end of auto-focus as I know it.

If you have a suggestion for a durable, awesome, slim point-and-shoot camera, let me have it. No, the camera. Hand it over. When I get a replacement, you'll know it because there will be pictures on my blog again.

I met a nice man tonight who sized up my situation with a glance. That's both kind and disconcerting. I'd like to retain the look of a Lady Out Camping! as opposed to the look of a Lady Living in Her Car. I think it's because he's a full-timer, too, and so knows the signs. It's the way you can tell if an RV at Walmart is out for the weekend, or out for the duration.

It made me think about the question of being alright. I'm certainly alright tonight, with plenty left over to head over into excellent. There have been nights when I was not alright, but still fine. The not-fine part wasn't reality. But, that's true of you, too.

Then I thought about those nights feeling not-alright, and I wonder what would have happened if someone had asked me then. It was good they didn't; what fresh hell would they have unleashed on themselves? [shudder]

I drove through Prescott Valley and Prescott today, but didn't stop anywhere. I'll go again, and look really hard so I can draw you word pictures.

I hope you're all alright tonight.


Kate said...

I hear it's absolutely lovely in the Colorado Springs area in the spring. We even have a place you could park the Spud. And cats to snuggle!

The Good Luck Duck said...


Kate said...

It's only teasin' if I don't mean it!

The Good Luck Duck said...

OOOH ...

Annie said...

And you could come back easterly a little early, visit, go again wherever it is that you go, and then come back again. Just sayin'

Kate said...

It's a lovely drive that way _or_ going up through Utah and across 70 -- I did the latter a bunch of years ago. Had to skip stopping at Monument on the way, which I'm pretty sure means I get my geologist card revoked if anyone finds out, but that was one of the things that got me thinking 'I wouldn't have to hurry home if I'd just brought it with me'.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Annie! That would be fun! T or C has all the good options. Friends, good camping, Passion Pie ...

I could do a huge circle! Would you believe I've never been to Colorado?

Kate said...

WELL then! This must be remedied.

Ever wanted to dress up like a peasant maid (or a noble lady)? If you come at the right time we can take you to some SCA events, too.

The Good Luck Duck said...

I've never done such a thing! And, since it's SCA, can there be a wrong time? Anachronistically, that is?

Diana said...

My favorite camera is the Canon 4500is. It is an older model but I think better than the newer ones. Takes really good zooms. It's only $150 on Amazon now - I paid $350 for it originally. You can also get a refurbished one on Amazon for $95. Search for "Canon 4500 silver." I wrote a post on it here:

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Diana! I'm going to go read that now.

Kate said...

COME TO THINK OF IT there are still a few days left in Estrella, which is in Queen Creek this year. Although I'm not there to loan you something to wear.

Dragonfly said...

Incredible shots of the skies until the bitter end.

Metamorphosis Lisa said...

I am happy with my Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS25K. It fits in my pocket, zooms to 40x and was about $230 at Costco about a year ago.

Glad you're doing alright, and are as snug as a bug in a rug!

Kimbopolo said...

RIP, Pentax. Sniff.

I decided to break down and get a point and shoot that will fit in my back pocket. (But not yours, sorry). This is it and it should arrive on Tuesday.

Will try to remember to review it for you.

Cheshire Cats Capers said...

We have a canon SX20 and we're very pleased with it, it takes great photographs (some of which are on the blog, sorry can't remember which) and is small enough to fit in either a pocket or my handbag. We bought it at home in the UK, but I'm afraid I can't remember how much it was

Donna K said...

I love my little Panasonic Lumix. I also have a Canon which I also share my love with but it is bigger and definitely doesn't fit in a pocket. I grab my little Lumix every time I leave the house and have got some pretty good shots with it. Very lightweight and definitely does fit in a pocket. This is my third Lumix - not because they have worn out but because I am always wanting more megapixels...more zoom...more...more...

Peter said...

So you did get soem dark clouds there too. They sure make for nice pics.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Skies get so dramatic here! Good weather or bad, the skies always have some comment.

Donna, I had a Lumix that I loved, but it wore out on me. Am I just really hard on cameras? I've had three in the past three years. I do take a lot of pictures; what usually happens is that some schmutz gets between the lenses, and then the focus goes out. Like it's a sand issue. Do any other southwesterners have that problem?

The Good Luck Duck said...

Okay, you guys, my Pentax self-resurrected this morning. I predict another long, happy life for it. I'll also keep my eye on these suggestions. Just in case.