Monday, February 17, 2014

What happens in Los Alamos stays in Los Alamos.

That's my motto, and was almost the official motto of the town during World War II. These days, it's just the bawdy jokes and rowdy behavior of four middle-aged women that need to stay top-secret.

Hypothetically, if I were talking, I might say we visited the Bradbury Science Museum. The above video is shown there on the big screen.

Other plausible scenarios involve watching sandhill cranes swoop and hover and make a racket for our entertainment. For example. If I were saying.


Lori, Jeannie, and Pat

Lori is my cousin, and Pat is my cousin by marriage, and also Lori's cousin by marriage because Lori and I married brothers who were Pat's cousins. [Not shown: Lori's sister (my cousin) who married a third brother.] Lori starts explaining by saying IT'S NOT INCESTUOUS! Which makes people think about how it's probably incestuous. 

Lori asked to see my Datil cabin, and I was glad to oblige. I wanted Lori and Datil Betty to meet; both have been so extremely good to me.

[I'm going to refer to Betty that way now.]

We drove and drove and drove for about eleven hours today. Coherence not guaranteed.


Bob said...

Lori married Pat's cousin's....wait, what?
I'd have to create a Venn Diagram or something, 'cause that's too complicated for my noggin'.

Jan Goldfield said...

Brothers and sisters can't marry in most states. NM is an exception, evidently. Oh, wait, AR may be an exception as well. I really don't keep up with these things.

Pam said...

Karma? Looks more like Dogma to me.

Dawn from Camano Island said...

Whew. That's all very confusing. But beautiful country up there & your photos are great!

The Good Luck Duck said...

You're free to let this one go, Bob, as we all did with our brother-husbands.

This is what I mean, Jan. All one has to do is say IT'S NOT INCEST to get the Arkansasians a'thinkin'.

She ran over the dogma, Pam.

It's best not to think much about it, Dawn. And thanks!

The Good Luck Duck said...

[Disclaimer: No one married their own brothers. Or cousins.]

Donna K said...

Sister Wives??? (JK) My two sisters married brothers and my brother married the other brothers' cousin so I totally understand!! Sorta...

The Good Luck Duck said...

That's just how it happened, Donna!

klbexplores said...

Brothers, Husbands, Cousins....that about covers (or uncovers) it!

Karyn-Lee said...

My brother from another mother, has a cousin from a different aunty that married my sister from another mother so my kids are also my uncles and my cousins.
Confused yet?
great photos (except the doggy rear end. nar nar nar)

The Good Luck Duck said...

So, Karyn, that makes you your own grandpa. And you know you like doggie 'tocks. Everyone does.

That's all she wrote on that subject, Karen!

Bob Giddings said...

There are some great natural hot springs in the Valle Grande near by, which is the caldera of an ancient volcano many miles wide. It's so big you have no idea you are in a caldera. Might be able to tell from the air. Anyhow, ask around about hot springs. You'll be glad you did.

Bob Giddings said...

Barb said...

Beautiful ladies! 11 hours - wow - that's a LOT, even for me. I'm glad you made it in one piece. Enjoy the cabin.

PS - my Nana adopted my cousin, so he was both my uncle and my cousin. And my Mom's nephew and brother. :)

Anonymous said...

Lucky you! In Datil again! BTW, Los Alamos has a fascinating history. If you're interested, read 109 East Palace by Jennet Conant. Great book. Also, The Plutonium Files by Eileen Welsome -- scary stuff.


Jan Goldfield said...

There is not an overabundance of last names in Arkansas....just sayin'

JO said...

AAHHHH WTH! Anyway it can make one have something to thinking about for a couple days.

11 hrs. I can't sit that long never mind drive that long. Pictures are great.

¡Vizcacha! said...

Renee, I'll put those books on my list - thanks!

Ha, Jan! I imagine not. ;o)

Thanks, Jo!