Thursday, May 29, 2014

Oversharing. I do it.

On my way out of the park yesterday, I thought I espied another New York license plate. I hit the brakes and did one of those sunglass double-takes - yes, the tacky one - and there it was.

The owner came over to meet me later that day. Man, did she know a lot about me! Finally, I figured out she must read this blog now and then. She told me "Well, YOU blab about it!" Ha! Nailed it. What do you think: do I tell you guys too much? If "yes," I'm not sure how to stop. Is there a 12-step program for oversharers?

I don't know this woman's name, and she has a story that will drop your teeth, but I promised not to overshare her information. We come from the same stomping grounds where we both stomped for a few decades.

South Crosby Mountain, Datil. I think. Someone Datil-y can correct me.
I'll be here in T or C for a few weeks, housesitting. David admired my mad sitting skillz yesterday when I stopped over for a visit. And I'm allowed to have friends over, so tattling will get you nowhere.

Rio Grande, below Caballo Dam

It's exciting when they can release water. Me? I do it all the time.

I'm doing a thing for Annie so she can do a thing she's not telling you about yet. OMG I HAVE SOMEONE ELSE'S SECRET  I WILL NOT OVERSHARE! I WON'T!

I can't even keep my own secrets, but I'm good with yours. Be fearless.


Brenda A. said...

Huh. I actually find you to be a bit mysterious. But some people are extremely guarded, which might make you appear to overshare to them anyway. I'm somewhere in the middle I guess. I like to share. But I like to keep some things to myself as well. It's all good!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Mysterious! Yay!

Travels with Emma said...

Mysterious? Nice word. I think you're whacked, but then you knew that. ;)

The Good Luck Duck said...

HA! Judy, I think I did know that. :D

Barb said...

Whether on the blog or in person, I think you're just right. I've never thought you over shared. Fun and interesting to talk with, and fun to read. Sometimes I think I over share - in fact sometimes I know it. Later I'll think, "Now why did I tell them that?" But... no harm, no foul. Don't worry, you're fine. :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Barbara! It's bad enough that I embarrass myself - I'd hate to have people embarrassed for me. :D

SwankieWheels said...

Personally, I don't think you overshare enough with me... I am always disappointed when I come to the end of your blog post... and I keep thinking, there must be more, why did it end????

The Good Luck Duck said...

LOL, Swankie! My conclusions are weak. Or, my adventures are incomplete!

Kimbopolo said...

No dear, I have never known you to share more than your share.

ANNIE HAS A BLOG?!?! I want to say this 3 times in a high-pitched little girl-at-the-summer-pool squeal. Must go there immediately......

Sherry said...

Well I don't know nearly enough about you so I'd say you are definitely NOT an over sharer. But keeping Annie's secret well now that's just..... I recognize those kitties. Do you have Jake too??? No you couldn't. She could run out on me but never on Jake. I can't stand secrets. I told her so on her own blog. I'll get her for this. You aren't supposed to keep things from your only decent relative. Love love the Rio below the dam pic. Or dam that's a grand Rio picture. Or something like that.

Jodee Gravel said...

You write a blog - it's your job to share! No idea what you and Annie are cooking up but I'm off line for a week so I'll be the last one to know :-((.

Texas Yellow Rose said...

What Judy said. But I love ya anyway. Quack!

Anonymous said...

If you released a million gallons of water in one go, that would also be exciting.

Contessa said...

Never ever enough detail & info so no, you do not overshare.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Ha, Kim, she does have a blog! I see you found it, although I've been doing my best not to overshare it!

Sherry, Annie thought she might leave Jake with me, and then a tiny cry escaped from her soul. I suggested she not leave without him. LOL@dam Rio.

Jodee, I'm only the catsitter - Annie is cooking this up all on her own. I guess I'm an accessory by aiding and abetting.

Ha, Betty! Thanks!

Rob, that's only after the margarita as big as my head.

Okay, good Contessa. I'll work on more detail without oversharing.

JO said...

Love the picture of the cloud covering the mountain top. Did it drop any rain?

The Good Luck Duck said...

There was a fair amount of rain while I was there, Jo. No one complained. Well, I did, but just about the gray. You can't please some ducks.

klbexplores said...

There you go....both you AND Annie have us hanging waiting for another word. I say not fair!!Be gentle, be kind and spill the beans!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Karen, I can only take responsibility for my own secrets. Annie has to own her own secrets! I CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE!

Anonymous said...

Sharing is caring! I enjoy what you share, so you just go ahead!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Okay, Jeannie - you asked for it!

Steven said...

What a stuff!!!! I did not know that about you!

The Good Luck Duck said...

What a stuff!!! :oD

Unknown said...

Living with "Mr. Blabber Fingers " I'm well aware of the over sharing term....:)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Mr. Blabber Fingers!!! I'm literally LOLing.

Linda said...

Your blog makes me happy.

I don't think you overshare.

I don't think you undershare.

Generally I am more protective of others in my blog than I am of myself, but I tend not to be as open as I used to, due to 15+ years in the changing world.