Thursday, May 1, 2014

So long, Bob

Bob, you always cracked us up. We miss you, glamourpuss.

Spring 2000 - April 30, 2014


MariaB said...

Happy trails to you, Bob... say hello to Carrot and Max for us...

jillbertini said...

Sorry for your loss. But here's to all the memories?!

Brenda A. said...

Buggers Roxie....another one? I am so sorry. Sending you hugs from Florida. <3

Karen Snyder said...

Awww, sometimes life is just hard. Sorry for your loss.

Unknown said...

Roxie . . . hugs.

Unknown said...

Big hugs from here. It's just soooo hard.

Anonymous said...

Poor kitty. Please accept my condolences.

swankiewheels said...

I'm sorry Roxi,.

TravelingLongdogs said...

So sorry. ((((((hugs))))))

Mary said...

I am sorry for your loss. Bless his heart , he looks like a good kitty.

TravelBug-Susan said...

RIP Bob cat. Awwww, I feel for you. We've lost a few of our fur-babies too. It is not easy.

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry, Roxanne. How is Ellen taking it?

Sherie Ann Peterson said...

I'm sorry for your loss.

Gail said...

Aw.... so sorry!

Teri said...

Sorry Roxanne.

Dawn from Camano Island said...

So sorry--he looks like quite the character!

Suzanne said...

Somewhere out there in the ether, Bob is saying, "aaaaaahhhh...." Sorry for those left behind. Hugs...

Anonymous said...

Please add my thoughts of sorrow for you. No matter how many pets one has, it is always a heartbreak to lose one.

Virtual hugs,


Jim and Gayle said...

What a handsome boy. So sorry.

Anonymous said...

Aww.. So sorry for your loss. RIP BOB !!!

Page said...

So sorry for the loss of Bob. He was a handsome fellow.

Karen and Al said...

So very sorry. I know how hard it is to loose a pet.

Karen and Al said...

oops. I meant lose a pet.

Larry said...

Very sorry,have lost too many good pets.Find comfort knowing you gave them a happy life.

Jim and Sandie said...

So sorry. Fur kids worm their way into our hearts and it hurts. What a great life along the way and wonderful memories.

Unknown said...

So sorry you guys. I'm sure Carrot was there with a welcoming bit of salmon....

Karen and Tony said...

So sorry Roxanne.

Contessa said...

So sorry, hugs.

Bea said...

I am sorry to read that. It hurts a lot to have to say good bye to a furry friend.

Barb said...

Bob was a beautiful boy and led a long life. I'm so sorry he's gone, but good memories of our pets will be with us forever.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, you guys, for your kind condolences. Bob was happy, healthy, happy, healthy, happy, healthy, dead (Suzanne, that's especially for you :o) ). No lingering illness, no vet visits, no tests or IVs or treatments. Exactly the way I intend to go!

Sue, my cousin says that she's calling for Bob - they were steady girlfriends for 13 of their years - and Penny was always the more neurotic of the two. If she had gone first, Bob would have said "Oh, bummer ... is it dinnertime?"

Pip said...

Bob had many wonderful adventures, a kitty could not want more. I am sorry for your loss.
It's hard to lose a fur friend.
You are in my thoughts, Roxie.

Anonymous said...

(((HUG))). So hard to loose a fur friend, fur baby. He was one handsome boy. Glad you two could share a part of your journey together.
Aunt Selene

Bob said...

Sorry to hear about Bob. At first I thought *I* was going somewhere.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Well, technically, Bob ...

Thanks, Aunt Selene. Bob was a most excellent kitty. We were lucky to meet her way back when.

Thanks, TK & Pip, you fuzzy people, you.