Saturday, August 16, 2014

Datil, New Mexico cabin pictures.

This post is a shameless excuse to take a break. I've been hauling things up and down the driveway and that stuff gets old fast. I took a trip to Socorro to "pick up a few things," and this is the second time I'm paying the price for my folly.

There are outside pictures of the cabin here.


Paige Malone said...

You cheater! No links to old pictures!! Now you get back out there and take new pictures.

Texas Yellow Rose said...

Seen these already, since I a faithful follower (sort of like in a cult) and, hence, am bored. Where are the current ones, you tease? ;)

Texas Yellow Rose said...

Make that "AM a faithful follower"

Kate said...

I recommend a hot bath and extensive napping, but I usually do.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Kate, the hot bath is harder to come by, but the nap was the cat's meow.

Betty, you faithful followers are a tough crowd! Would you believe my camera is dying? Would you believe my foot hurts? Would you believe I took a nap instead?

Paige, I'll excuse your outburst due to your invisible disability.

Kate said...

I guess I'll just have to take the hot bath for you!

Contessa said...

So how is the poop situation, referring to the mice of course?

The Good Luck Duck said...

You're a good friend, Kate.

Lol, Contessa. I got some Fresh Cab, some peppermint oil, I've plugged up some entries, AND I've been here. So, things are stable.

Jodee Gravel said...

Old or new, I love pics of your little castle! You're such a pioneer woman: making the trek into town for supplies, getting your settlement all settled, fending off the invaders.......taking naps. My hero.

The Good Luck Duck said...

The mule near give out on the way back, Jodee.

Sherry said...

I'm patient. I can wait for the adventure pictures and tales of your swankee abode

Sherry said...

Second try.. ok as I was saying...I am practicing my patience on you waiting for NEW pictures and tales of your swanky abode.

Sherry said...

Well damn I thought it disappeared, like Annie.

The Good Luck Duck said...

LOL Sherry! Annie is in Wisconsin for a good cause, and the good cause is keeping her pretty occupied. She probably doesn't feel disappeared.

I've been in the cleft between my old camera giving out and getting my new one, but now I can start taking and posting pics again! My abode thanks you for the "swankee" descriptor, and now feels compelled to live up to it. Bucket? But, of course!