Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Las Vegas, New Mexico on the cheap

Today's post will reveal the secret of enjoying Las Vegas' plaza life without crashing your budget:

Go on Sunday.
[Highlight for the surprising answer.]

Las Vegas, New Mexico is a fun, quiet town. I've already expressed my appreciation here.

Historic Plaza:

I'm short on narrative lately, so I offer you several thousand words.

Bridge Street:


Annie at Dream Spirits

If you're keeping track, things are great. I'm happy, and having fun.


Robin said...

So happy you are happy! Las Vegas, NM looks wonderful. Love all the colorful buildings ~ reminds me of Oaxaca. Take care Rox!

Nan said...

What a cool town! Love the colors and the spirit of the town

Grace said...

That town's got some character. I'm glad you're happy!

Texas Yellow Rose said...

Okay, the clown creeped me out. Seriously. Shudder, indeed. Yes, I am keeping track.

JO said...

Happy your Happy. Neat little town.

Unknown said...

W♥W... Great photos... Beautiful town... Who knew grasshoppers were so beautiful and clowns are so (((cReEpY)))?! So glad you are happy and having fun... I will be too in a few months... I am driving from Nevada to Minnesota to pick up my new to me class c... I am so exited I can't wait to get to New Mexico. I lived there as a child and it has been calling me back for the last 50 years... Thanks for all the beautiful pictures. Are you still using your little orange Pentax?

cathie said...

Thanks for the great pictures! Will make it a "must stop".

Unknown said...

Gorgeous! Thank you! :)

Jodee Gravel said...

You should do their town webpage :-). Even poor little Estella's has some charm left. Wasn't sure if the grasshopper was real or art......although they creep me out (the clown still wins). Keep up the happy - it makes great photos.

SwankieWheels said...

I've seen a beautiful grasshopper like that once. Makes me happy that you are so happy. Lately I have been thinking about the town in TX that is now specializing and catering to "tiny house" folk... and thinking that "Vandwellers" should buy a an old town like this, or old motels, someplace where there is no zoning authority, and we could live and let live. Most of us have no Plan B... what to do if we no longer have a vehicle, no longer able to drive, no longer able to take care of ourselves. I wonder if some kind of "blend" is possible... with a smart happy place to live, combined with tiny houses, small campers, tenters, provisions for old gypsies who wish to continue living outside, but might one day not be able to do it on their own???? Sorry got sidetracked.

Unknown said...

Wow! Who knew? Las Vegas is really cool! Love all the colors and love put into and onto these unique old town shops! Thank you for sharing!

www.gypsyandthenavigator.com said...

I haven't been to Las Vegas NM since the 60's and believe me it was not that colorful then. Your pictures are great & it has now made our list to visit this fall. Thanks for the prompting.

klbexplores said...

Colorful little town....does it have a colorful past? Glad you are in a happy place!

Unknown said...

Just look what I missed! Dynamite photos of downtown…makes me want to go back. Glad you're having fun. If it ain't fun, it ain't worth doing, right?