Sunday, September 21, 2014

Santa Rosa State Park, New Mexico. There are no tarantulas in this post.

We stayed at Santa Rosa State Park for five days. Each morning I reported "another New York State sunny day!" Finally I got enough blue to take a picture or two.

We even did a little hiking. We saw a sign: "Lakeshore hiking trail: 0.2 miles." We thought that would be easy. It really meant "0.2 miles until you stumble onto the lakeshore hiking trail." Then the rain we weren't supposed to get started, and stopped 100 yards from a shelter.

My mistake. Desert tarantula, or desert blond tarantula.

This froggy-toad is about 2 cm long.

My bad AGAIN. Second sighting. These guys are all pomaded up for their dates.

This morning we're in Socorro, headed somewhere else soon.


SwankieWheels said...

Oh how amazingly wonderful. I need to come visit you.

Sondra said...

I'd be shaking my shoes for hours!!

The Good Luck Duck said...

It was perfect, because we both saw them, one of us squealed (it might have been me), and we both grabbed our cameras and ran toward them.

Absolutely, Swankie!

Emjay said...

Male tarantula, likely. Looking for a mate. Old-timers say this signals a change in temperature coming.

JO said...

Nice clear and crisp shots. Love the soaring bird. Tarantula's are good to have around they eat scorpions.

Jodee Gravel said...

Stunning shots! Love the tarantulas - startling when you first see them, then just fascinating to watch.....sort of like teenagers :-)

Nickie and Jim said...

Can't. Do. Spiders. Especially tarantulas. Bye.

Nickie and Jim said...

Oops, not bye. Love the Juniper berries photo.

Unknown said...

I'm really enjoying your little critter vignettes - great shots!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Emjay, I told a riddle: Why did the tarantula cross the road? You know the rest.

Like teenagers! LOL Jodee. You left out the part where you reflexively want to stomp them.

Ha, Nickie. I lured you back with pre-gin.

Thanks, Lorna!