Saturday, August 31, 2019

What happens in Vegas ...

...winds up on my blog. 

I accompanied my cousins to Vegas, via Flagstaff, with the intention of boosting my vitamin D levels by the pool; instead, I accidentally attended their seminar. I'm glad, it just means I'm New Mexico tan instead of Las Vegas crisp.

A la "The Birdcage," do not look too closely at the placesettings.

The Park on Fremont, Las Vegas.

The Park on Fremont, Las Vegas

I didn't know there are two Strips. 

On the way to Vegas there exists wholesome entertainment.

Holbrook, AZ:

I forget the name of this town:

St. John, AZ: 


Sue Malone said...

How did I lose your blog after ten years. Lol.

Roxanne said...

Sue, it's not that you lost it, so much as that I lost my custom URL. I didn't realize how much tiny havoc that would wreak.

MFH said...

I've never cared much for horse pictures. Glad to see you found one that was interesting.

Roxanne said...

Dos Equus.

MFH said...

Bloody that an "insider" reference to menstruation?