Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Old Frazier Schoolhouse, Acme, New Mexico (only as educational as you want it to be).

I'll never report the history better than City of Dust did, just a few years back.

My friend and I wanted a tiny adventure. Not rigorous, not terrifying. Just adventurous enough

I wanted to see the old mill site of Acme, New Mexico:

Maybe I saw it, maybe I didn't. A sign politely informed me I had driven as far in that direction as I was going to.

So, back to Hwy 70 and an obvious ruin we couldn't ruin any further.

Sendakian petroglyph

Brought to you by some letters in block print.

Old Frazier Schoolhouse, Acme, NM

We gathered a few choice stones, put them in our pockets like children, then caught the early-bird special at Golden Corral like mature adults.


MFH said...


(sounds very risque)

¡Vizcacha! said...

In an AARP way...

Sherry said...

You posted this on my birthday but didn't wish me a happy day. If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all. Who is we? Back to your newest post.

¡Vizcacha! said...

Sherry, I didn't want to mention that day that will live in infamy. Happy birthday! "We" is Richard and I.