Tuesday, May 1, 2012

They fill our days and our nights.

You're never alone in the desert.









If your accommodations don't come with a cattle drive, you could be paying too much.

I realized today that "Sedona" is "anodes" spelled backwards. Coincidence? I think so!

We figured out why we don't feel vortices. We're loud people. I carry a metal water can, a stick, and a camera, and each one is a percussion instrument. It's more likely that the vortices feel me. When I finally calm down my quivering, echoing accessories and the silence descends, Annie remarks on it. The Jeep tours complain that we drown out the engines and give us our money back.


Gaelyn said...

Seems like the cattle drive would be more interesting than some silly vortex.


JO said...

I think so too. Get on with those little doggies.

EcoCatLady said...

Since you're in Sedona, here's an appropriate song: http://www.myspace.com/chuckpyleofficial/music/songs/sedona-ramona-74942495

Can't help myself, I've got a soft spot for the cowboys...

Karen Snyder said...

Eyes in the dark... That second photo made me a bit uneasy. Happy to see the eyes belonged to a non-threatening kind of beastie. :) Making noise in the "wilds" is not necessarily a bad thing--keeps the threatening beasties at bay, I think!

This is truly a wonderful adventure you two are having!

WendyFromNY said...

You folks are absolutely QUACKERS!

Spotted Dog Ranch: said...

I want that cowdog!

TexCyn said...

Yip Yip Yip! Move along little doggies, move along! Bet they don't carry baggies...

michael said...

Another great post! Gotta go....the appraiser is coming today, but let's not talk of it yet.

Nickie and Jim said...

Hoy, you had me scared at first glance because I thought those critters might be flesh-eating jackels... so I was relieved to see they were just stupid ol' cows.


Cheryl (Desert Diva) said...

Wow, those photos were amazing. However, my favorite one is of you and Annie. You look so "happy!" :-)

Terry said...

There must be something about cowboys. Many years ago, we were driving cattle in the winter time and were in the process of crossing a paved road. Some cattle don't like doing that.

I was having to ride back and forth to keep them all heading the right direction and thus had to keep my eye on them. Later, one of the other guys that was with us said that a car we had crossed in front of was full of folks taking pictures of me.

Do you suppose you'all are related?

Carolyn said...

Seen any lizards? What was that lizard's name in ... aw that movie with the nice ---/ Rescuers!? Outback .... Joanna! Hahaaaa great lizard

Carolyn said...

Nice mice ...

Diana said...

Yippee ki yay!!! I want the cowboys! Nice shots!

Sherry said...

Those pictures in the d..a..r..k were very cool. And the one of you two is FAB-U-LUS!

But do the cows and the cowboys use our native lands for free and do they wreck them like cows and cowboys do most places. I'm not anti-cowboy I'm just wonderin'.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Sherry. It's a good question, and I'm no expert on cattle impact on the land. We've been here less than two weeks, and this herd has been moved twice, so maybe there are limits placed on the amount of grazing they're allowed to do in a time period? I remember reading about cow v. sheep ranchers, and how sheep would starve out the cattle, but I don't see no sheeps around here.

Diana, it seems to be unanimous among the gals that cowboys are desirable. They seem cute enough, but I'll give up my share to you all!

Carolyn, glad you like the mice! I don't know that movie, but yes, we have seen lots of lizards. I'll put a lizard shot in the next post for you.

Terry, the comments confirm that there is "something about cowboys"! It's very likely that all us cowboy-picture-takers are Easterners. At least Midwesterners.

Thanks, Cheryl! Now that you mention it, I think we are happy.

Intrepid, there's always the danger that cows will turn the (kitchen) tables on us! That wasn't the night, though.

Michael, MUM is the word on that appraisal business. I shan't speak of it again.

Cyn, a few of them carry sacs, but apparently, they're called "bulls."

Chinle, I think there were even two for you.

Thanks, Wendy! :D

Karen, this is a good point, and when we're hiking I'm always clanging and stomping along, whacking rocks with my stick, etc. Desert Morse code.

Cat, I liked the song! It made me realize I don't listen to music very often. Probably because I like things so silent - har!

Jojo and Gaelyn, at least I can verify that a cattle drive happened. I'm getting no readings at all from these vor-things.

Donna K said...

Funny, we ran into a cattle drive the other day too! I'll write about it later...

Perhaps before you can feel the vortices you need to have your aura read...or it that red...I forget...but no matter, plenty of people in Sedona willing to do that for you. But if they offer to green your aura, I'd be suspicious. That means they just want your money.

bhikkhu john said...

"I realized today that "Sedona" is "anodes" spelled backwards. Coincidence? I think so!"

That was hilarious!