I fell off the road here at South Monticello Point. I blame the stars. I don't blame myself for turning off the flashlight on accounta watching the stars. You can see how there's no one to blame but Stella.
Annie here in T or C fell just a few days earlier, and I must have thought too hard about that. Now I'm thinking hard about how good her Arnica salve is for pain. Out here on the mesa, Knittin' Jeannie set me up with ice, I took a quick couple of ibuprofen to get ahead of the swelling, and bathed myself in salve. Voila! [That's French for Ain't that sumpin'!]
I forgot to note it on my calendar, but this was Get On the Roof Day. I hope you got the day off and observed it safely.
Vermont Chris, Andi, Jeannie, and Carol |
I don't want to get braggy about my comfort (yes I do), but I'll tell you anyway that Jeannie knitted me a custom hat and a custom cowl (neck gaiter) out of soft wool. Andi gave me an electric blanket, and Vermont Chris loaned me an extension cord. = WARM AT NIGHT So warm. Really warm. Sure, I sit around acting like I have stuff to do, but I'm really just biding my time until I can go to bed.
Now if I'd only _known_ it was Get On The Roof Day...
No gettin' on the roof in these parts today. Too windy, and too high up.
I see you're still alive and kickin'. This is good.
Were the people on the roof singing? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7F_opWg9_qI
Hey verrrry, verrry nice pics!
Steve's been getting on the roof, too! How'd he know!
I'm up on the roof twice a day sweeping those darn tanin mark leaving leaves off the roof. I didn't know they'd declared a special day for it. Hope your owwie is better.
I think it's too dangerous for this old fart to observe 'get on the roof day'. I'm staying on Terra-firma! I'm observing and partaking in 'have a glass of wine day' myself. ;)
Oh rats! I had no idea it was "get on the roof day" OR "have a glass of wine day." I'm markin' it on my calendar right now so I don't forget next year.
Sorry to hear you fell - hope the Arnica soothes. Say hi to Jeannie! A small blogosphere it is!
Are you harassing that Chinook? Probably cause of the way it was dressed.
That campground is one of our favorites and you are right the stars are mesmerizing there. Hmmm, I wonder what everyone is doing on those roofs.
So you must have been on the roof taking photos. Oh, no, not you. You must have sent the camera up onto the roof with somebody else. Getting pretty spoiled out there. Next thing we know it will be you in some awesome rig covered with toys.
Sure wish I had some of that miracle cream last week for the foot thing. Happy your OK
Ouch. Hope you're healing up well and back to full speed very soon. I also hope its a lot warmer there than it is here these days. Those photos make it look very inviting.
I missed get on the roof day *sad*, I usually like the view from the roof. I missed drink wine day *not that sad*, I never acquired a taste for it. However, it snowed a bit yesterday so I moved right into have a margarita day. Someone had to do it!!!
Hope you are mending from your fall.
Oh, look at y'all up there on that gorgeous grey, Midbath Lazy Daze!!! That is a twin of my "Ciao Baby!" rig and I like to have margarita parties on the roof and SuperMoon viewings. Might that be a safer place than your star-gazing, road disappearing? I don't know.. stay safe out there in the wilds of New Mexico. And have fun! Wish I were there...
Wow, Tessa, if I attended your margarita party, would you lower one down to me? That LD is a beauty, for sure, and I like that they don't change things unless they have a darn good reason.
Nancy, I'm doing well. A margarita would make me even better.
Bill, it has been downright hot here lately, and last night I had to throw off the blankies. Healing is underway - thanks!
Ouchies, Jo. Arnica is a wonderful thing. Sorry you're hurting. :(
Gaelyn, you KNOW I wasn't up there. I was the designated grounder.
Jane, I can't imagine they're up to any good that far off the ground. *clucks disapprovingly* That could apply to the stars, too - tee hee!
Kim, that Chinook was asking for it.
I will, Maureen! Jeannie is a lot of fun; I'm glad I've gotten to hang with her.
Mike & Terri, it's okay if you observe right now, even if you're a little late. No sense in putting it off and taking the chance of forgetting again.
Judy, I'm old-farty enough to not take my wine to the roof. Look what happens when I'm right there next to the ground.
Sherry, I say let Winona make tea out of them. You stay on the ground and drink ... tea.
Grace, it's an event that only retirees know about. Hang in!
Thank you, P&B! The models were excellent.
Sue, I was positive I would click and hear Zero Mostel. Fooled again!
I am both of those things, Bob; in addition, I am not on the roof.
Kate, I'll bet Loiosh knew.
Loiosh _always_ knows.
Oops, I do not go on the roof anymore:(
Looks like that skeleton would not be a good place to be on its roof. I bet you can see the Milky Way down there. I miss seeing the Milky Way. Haven't seen it in years and years .... :-(
Mary, you're right! It's very plain here at night, especially since the moon is rising late right now.
Anneke, stay on the ground and visit with me.
Loiosh is wise.
Tessa's right! Even though my silver Lazy Daze is a different floorplan, you can tell ONLY by the different way the rear window looks - and where the bathroom window is. In a forest of 'em, no way to tell the difference. Actually, they do have a new paint scheme as an option on the newer models, but I prefer the Classic! ;->
That's a whole 'nother kind of stealth. "Where is my bathroom? You'll never know ... BWAAHAHAHA!"
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