Friday, July 18, 2014

What happens in Vegas: Las Vegas, New Mexico

What happens in Vegas ends up on a blog. Maybe several blogs, two tabloids, and a police blotter.

I don't know how the other women feel about revealing their current location, so I won't. Stalkers, we are legion here, and you will stay in Vegas, if you catch my meaning.

Here are a few of us, and their women:

 Here's how they all look, for realz:

Jeannie (Riley), Annie (Jake), and Barbara (Katie)

I am a New Mexican! I'm not new, and I'm not Mexican.

I'm destined for another 2.6 weeks in my new orange cast. I'm told orange is the new something. The women I'm camping with are being super-nice to me, so maybe the cast needs to stay on longer?


Paige Malone said...

Hi Jake!!

Gaelyn said...

I think you're milking it. ;) But why not.

SwankieWheels said...

Nice. I can't wait to have the level of peace again that you seem to have found. I keep getting the urge to drive to you, and hope some of it rubs off on me. Smiles.

Sherry said...

Guess Annie and Jake will have to hold off the stalkers. Those other two fur balls won't stand a chance. So where's the pic of the orange cast. Did you actually choose orange or is it some doctor's idea of a joke?

Shadowmoss said...

shadowmoss packs away the dremel and bolt cutters.

sigh, I was kinda looking forward to the demolition.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Shadow, you get another chance in three weeks.

Sherry, it's down to Annie and the other women, then, because Jake would need therapy. I did choose orange! It's happy!

You're the peace guru, Swankie. It's just around the corner for you again.

Gaelyn, I have NO IDEA what you're talking about!!

Don't scare the dog, Paige.

JO said...

Orange is energy so I have been told. I tried they lied.

our awesome travels said...

Orange? I don't see any Orange....

Jodee Gravel said...

The pictures are so serene (and could be anywhere of course). I'm an advocate for the milking-it option. It's in our nature to nurture so to deny the other three the opportunity to cater to your every need would just be cruel.......It's like you are the giver really. Work with me here :-).

The Good Luck Duck said...

Jodee, I see what you're saying. Letting them nurture me is my gift to them - that's the idea? I can definitely work with that; I owe it to them.

George, I wanted to let you use your imagination.

Jo, this orange cast propels me around the town as if it were motorized.

Barb said...

I wish I could put you in Katie's stroller and roll you around - that would be a photo op for sure! Vegas? I haven't been in Nevada for years. I'll take a picture of you in your orange cast and e-mail it to you - your public wants to see it! :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Okay, Barbara!

"My public." LOL!

Jodee Gravel said...

Oh! Orange is the New Quack!!!'s been in my head all day.