Friday, September 12, 2014

Every picture tells a Storrie: Storrie Lake State Park, New Mexico

I've spent about a month, altogether, at Storrie Lake this summer. It's been a good place to hang with friends. Today... brrr! The heat is on in the rig - oh yeah, I'm living large - and the sky is gray. This weekend we'll be leaving Las Vegas, no fear or loathing.

Don't hand me no lines.

This time of year, the front gate closes at 7:30 PM. Better catch the early-bird special and git home.

Storrie Lake S.P. will close October 15.

Storrie Lake's dump station has been unavailable for at least two months, and no one seems to know when it will be repaired. There is a $5 dump available at the RV park across from Walmart. I guess it's a way of stimulating the local economy, but too bad for Storrie Lake State Park's reputation.

Because my rig is permitted at Morphy Lake State Park (max 18' rig length), we took it for a day trip to this beautiful area.

wrought irony

We think we'll check out Villanueva or Santa Rosa; I haven't been to either yet.


Anonymous said...


The bestest was the lastest. Such irony for sure.

Now let's see a picture of your rig!


our awesome travels said...

You are having too much fun there for sure.

Evie said...

Santa Rosa, NM. has I have never been there but have seen pictures of it.

JO said...

I'm going there next summer if I have to sell my house. It is such a beautiful spot.

Jodee Gravel said...

That is quite the busy window....and keep your hands to yourself..... :-) Love the sky pics - that blue is amazing. Glad you two continue to enjoy that beautiful area. Are you heading to warmer locales when Storrie Lake says 'no more for now'?

The Good Luck Duck said...

Jodee, I think you and I have given me an earworm. Yep, I'll seek warmer climes before winter, for sure.

It's beautiful, Jo. You probably don't have to sell your house - New Mexico state parks are pretty cheap.

I want to see that, Evie!

George, I'm always having too much fun. They just haven't caught up to me yet.

Anon, it's a pretty non-descript, but nice, rig. I'd show you a picture, but it's not mine so it would just be a picture of someone's rig.

stillhowlyn said...

I just can't keep up with you, but hey, I'm slow! The photos tell a beautiful story/Storrie. Most're happy and having fun. "We" is always nice to hear...

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Lynda! I'm enjoying the "we," too.

tstda62 said...

We like Villanueva St Park especially when the trees start turning.
That whole road from !25 to the park is NM charming.

Anonymous said...

I want to know about "we" too....been following for long, long time and now there is a "we"..come on!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Betty, I was wondering if there was color there in the fall. Aspens?

Anonymous, you'll have to identify yourself if you want the dirt! Okay, I met a man in the spring, and we find each other to be excellent company. I've alluded, but I haven't been very forthcoming, it's true.

Linda said...

Hello- I, like Anonymous, have follwed your blog 'for a long time'. In my case since late 2011.
And I have via the internet followed all your adventures. While I love the humor and the photo, from my perspective (waiting for the day I can walk away from my job). I have great interest in how you maintain relationships as well as the continued finances of this lifestyle

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks for reading, Linda. Since you've read for a while, you already know that I don't know how to maintain a relationship. Finances I can tell you easily: I don't spend a lot, and I'm living on savings from my "before" life.